The Lives of People You Love May Depend on Your Vote - Granite Grok

The Lives of People You Love May Depend on Your Vote

Kathryn Steinle shouldn’t be dead.  Joshua Wilkerson, Mirta Rivera, Casey Chadwick, Rodney Johnson, Javier Vega Jr., Jamiel Shaw Jr., and over 25,000 more Americans shouldn’t be dead either.  They were all killed by illegal aliens who shouldn’t have been here.

Those Americans died and millions of others were raped, robbed, battered, kidnapped, impoverished, or otherwise victimized because greedy Washington Democrat and Republican politicians and special interest groups care more about their own power and wealth than the well-being of the American people.

Illegal immigration beneficiaries repeatedly lie about its benefits for our country, e.g., doing jobs Americans won’t do, law-abiding, tax-paying, etc.

American workers do all jobs: waiters, housekeeping, crop picking, garbage collecting, ditch digging, construction, cleaning-out septic tanks, etc.  The vast majority of workers in all but a very few job categories are American citizens.  More Americans would be working and self-supporting if immigrants didn’t take jobs and drive down wages. 

Despite false claims to the contrary, illegal aliens commit crimes at a higher rate than American citizens.  For example, citing FBI data to try to counter Donald Trump, Rupert Murdock claimed that there are 2,000,000 jailed Americans compared to “only” 267,000 illegal aliens.  A 2011 GAO report claims there are 249,000 jailed illegal aliens.  (To support the politicians, states and the Federal government hide illegal alien crime statistics.)  Whichever is correct, since there are about 30 times as many Americans as illegal aliens, the illegal alien crime rate is 2 to 3 times the rate of American citizens.

Frankly, the illegal alien crime rate is irrelevant! We shouldn’t tolerate ANY extra murders, rapes, robberies, muggings, kidnappings, etc.!

Politicians say illegal aliens can’t get welfare, but that’s a lie.  Illegals are only (theoretically) restricted from getting Federal means-tested welfare.  Illegals get State, local and other Federal benefits: free medical treatment, free child education, and maybe housing, food stamps, etc.  On average each illegal alien household annually receives about $15,000 in taxpayer provided benefits more than they pay in taxes.

Illegal immigration is one of the reasons the rich are getting richer while the rest of us are getting poorer.  The beneficiaries of illegal immigration live in protected environments and send their children to private schools.  It’s middle and lower income Americans who suffer from illegal immigration.

Presidential candidates, e.g., Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton, who want to reward illegal aliens by letting them stay here, ignore the harm illegals do to most Americans.  Thus voters need to consider other candidates if they really want middle and lower income Americans to be safer, freer, and have more opportunities for better jobs, incomes, and lives.
