GrokSHOT! Mike Farris - Religious Liberty - Granite Grok

GrokSHOT! Mike Farris – Religious Liberty

GrokSHOTS!The Freedom of worship is not what this country was founded on. It was the free exercise of religion. It was the right to bring your religion in to the public square and stand up, …religious people have the right to stand up and say what they want to say based on their religious beliefs just as much as the atheist has the right to stand up and say what he wants to say based on his atheism. But a free country cannot exist, where we lose the difference between tolerance and liberty.

A liberty based country is free. A tolerance based country is not free. It’s socialist. it’s big government. It is the worship of the state.


Mike Farris – 7-18-2015 GrokTALK!
