Another Republican willing to walk away - if the Republicans show, AGAIN, they won't honor their words - Granite Grok

Another Republican willing to walk away – if the Republicans show, AGAIN, they won’t honor their words

More and more I am hearing things like the following.  And yes, I am getting to that point as well – I no longer will listen to Republicans yammer their pie holes and expect me to believe in that yellow rain.  Trust – built over time, gone in an instant.  A lot of the base WANTS to believe them but at some point, the “I’m done” takes over and the GOP has lost yet another voter:

Like most Republican voters, I’ve had mounting frustrations with failed promises on the part of the GOP since the much ballyhooed Gingrich revolution in 1994. However, my pragmatism has always gotten the better of my frustration and I have always reasoned with myself that, however feckless and impotent the Republicans were, they were better than the Democrats. At least the Republicans did not have legalized infanticide up until the date of delivery enshrined in their party platform, I always reasoned with myself.

In their platform“;  well, that may be true that “good stuff” is in our Platform but as we have seen here in NH, that no longer seems to matter to such luminaries as Gov. candidate Walt Havenstein, US Senate candidate Scott Brown, NH GOP Committeewoman Juliana Bergeron, NH GOP COmmitteeman Steve Duprey, and a whole flock of NH GOP State Senators (Jeb Bradley, Chuck Morse, Nancy Stiles, Jeanie Forrester to name a quick few), have actively legislated and voted against said Platform.

After all, they are the Smart People.  We aren’t, I guess, as we in the base keep thinking “maybe, MAYBE, they’ll vote with US instead of the Democrat agenda (as in supporting abortion, supporting gay marriage, or both, implementing Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion, and expanding the size and cost of State Government).  Don’t get me started on Kelly Ayotte and Frank Guinta.

But WHY should I keep voting for Republicans when they act and vote against what Republicans say they stand for – and then just ignore their own actions?  NH GOP Chair Jennifer Horn is famous for this – email screeds and sound bite anger against the Dems, but nary a word against Republicans who do the same things as the Democrats?

But WHY should I keep voting for Republicans when they act like hypocrites – say one thing and do another?  Leon Wolfe goes on and I concur:

No more. I’ve reached the point where GOP Failure Theater has no longer become tolerable, especially with respect to the abortion issue. I’m not one of those people who threatens to leave the party over every little thing that comes along. I’ve been pretty restrained with the third party rhetoric and the “everyone stay home” anger, in fact believing that they are counter productive.

But I’m laying down a marker today: I’m not stepping in a voting booth again as long as Planned Parenthood continues to receive Federal funding. The end.

“You have made us not to care” – and people are noticing, more and more, that elected Republican officials don’t care either.  Sure, I’l get yet another tongue lashing like I did this weekend that I should stop picking on Republicans and only talk about the Democrats.  OK, I’ll do that but under one condition – DO, don’t talk.  ACCOMPLISH, don’t promise.  Be FAITHFUL, and not political to your supporters.  Take the Platform AS YOUR PROMISE and then execute on it.

And stop making excuses.

The conservative movement has delivered to the GOP a team that should be able to at least occasionally score a substantive victory against the Democrats. The problem is that both chambers of the U.S. Congress are run by strategists who make Grady Little look like George Patton by comparison. They are so laughably bad at actually achieving conservative victories that one might suppose (with good reason) that they are trying to lose on purpose.

At this point, I can bet you at 10-1 odds there are many conservatives are nodding their heads up and down in agreement while the Smart People are grimacing.  No, not at themselves – at folks like us.  Well, buckos, you only have yourselves to blame.  I didn’t put words into your mouths and I didn’t write your legislation and I didn’t cast your legislative votes.

You did.  And because YOU did, as my representatives, I am within a smidge (and people know that I have been extremely long patient on this) of just leaving.  Wolf is:

As for me, I’ve had enough. Don’t come to me with your hand out asking for anything anymore until this one tiny thing has been accomplished. You’ve got enough manpower to get this one thing accomplished and if you don’t, you can just take your Grady Little butts off into the sunset of retirement for all I care. I don’t want “we tried,” I want results. Until you can figure out how to deliver them, good luck finding another sucker come next November.
