An example of Establishment Republicans heaping coals on themselves - Kasich in his own words! - Granite Grok

An example of Establishment Republicans heaping coals on themselves – Kasich in his own words!

Great example from Instapundit (in its entirety, emphasis mine, reformatted):


Sean Hannity, who interviewed Kasich after his announcement on Tuesday, asked the Ohio governor about comments he’s made downplaying the IRS and Benghazi scandals.

“You said, ‘I’m more worried about how we’re going to fix America than Hillary’s email server and you said, ‘I don’t believe you beat her by talking about Benghazi or her emails–”.  “No, you don’t,” Kasich interrupted Hannity.

While he said these issues would likely come up in a campaign, Kasich said, “My opinion, the Republican that can best articulate a big  message…Look, I’ve known Hillary a long time. When I got engaged to be married she came to the party, OK? ”

Hannity asked if Kasich agrees with the fifty-seven percent of Americans who find Hillary to be dishonest and untrustworthy.

“I’m not going to start questioning people’s honesty or — I just don’t do that, Sean. I mean, where does that get us?” Kasich said. “I want the county to be unified. Let’s put the country first and the personal attacks second.  We can all have opinions, but I don’t want to be a voice of negativity in America.  I want to be a voice of positivity in America.”

And establishment GOP types wonder why Trump and his pugilistic tone is sucking the oxygen out of the big tent.

It isn’t that being polite that is the problem.  What many of us see is the over-chumminess like that displayed above where one can’t tell the Rs from the Ds – one big Political Class. OK, I lie – the Ds have no compunction about lying about the Rs in swinging their crowbars.  And then the Rs simply reach out with their white gloved hands, take the crowbar out of their heads…

…and instead of using it themselves, they meekly hand it back to the Ds and all but say “go ahead, hit me with that crowbar I just handed to you”.

I’ve about had it with the Reagan / Tip O’Neal drinking stories – yes, the yelling matches and partisanship almost reached the level of today.  But at least O’Neal was a REGULAR Democrat and not the Socialist / Communist ones that are now in power.  And trust me, Hillary is no less a Socialist than Obama is – she just hides it a whole lot better.  There should be NO white glove treatment here.

And it also shows how out of touch the Establishment is with the part of the base / electorate that it will need to win that – that 57% that finds her dishonest and untrustworthy.  Instead of using that opening to begin to campaign against her, he all but said “NO!  She’s such a nice person!”.

Look, the Rs run campaigns – and the Left wages war by all means possible (re: Hey John, remember how they pasted Romney, to the point of calling him a murderer? Man up and at least put on the MMA gloves, eh?).  Else, stay home and stick to the knitting.

Good advice for all the others.  We don’t need candidates, we need warriors for US.
