Black - or white, or Italian, or Irish or female - Like Me - Granite Grok

Black – or white, or Italian, or Irish or female – Like Me

The term “suitable person” can directly trace its roots to racism and the growing political influence of the Ku Klux Klan in New Hampshire in 1923. Gov. Maggie Hassan has threatened to veto this bill, which has passed both the House and Senate. Yet it would be a mistake to let this racist relic remain on the books.”

Gun rights’ attorney Evan Nappen tells of the racist roots of NH’s pistol licensing law.  One has to ask why, nearly 100 years later, Governor Margaret Hassan seems sanguine with it remaining on the books and even praising it’s efficacy.

Governor Hassan shares the concerns of the law enforcement community…” and “feels” the current laws “do not need to be changed…
