The $10,000 "Draw Muhammad" winner at the AFDI event in Garland, Texas - Granite Grok

The $10,000 “Draw Muhammad” winner at the AFDI event in Garland, Texas

where those two Islamic Jihadists won their Darwin Awards and removed themselves from the gene pool by a good guy with a gun? That was the art event held by Pam Geller’s American Freedom Defense Initiative (an anti-Islamic Jihad and anti-slow implementation of Shariah Law) in Garland, Texas last night and that was the amount for first prize:

Muhammad Wolverine_Kinda looks like Marvel’s Wolverine character, in a 7th Century sorta way (Fawstin is the cartoonish, btw). (H/T: American Thinker)  Oh, btw, that post also had the Christian equivalent (if you don’t remember a few years back as to how our tax money was spent.  Funny, I don’t remember anyone trying to kill that “artist” then or now:

Piss Christ

So which is more “blasphemous” – a drawing of Mohammed or Christ on the Cross submerged in human waste?  Funny – I don’t remember any law abiding gun owning Christian rising up and hunting down either the artist or the government bureaucracy flunkie who authorized the spending of our tax money to offend we Christians – you?

Yet, even as the Left categorizes the first as “hate speech”, they were falling all over themselves at the time over “free expression”, “pushing the boundaries”, “nouveau thinking”, and “going beyond the predilections of the masses”.  Yet, these same self High Priests of Culture are all saying “How CAN you be so offensive and taunting”?

So IS the Left so protective of the misogynistic and gay-bashing Muslims – but have no tolerance for their own countrymen?

But there were a couple of good lines I saw:


Note to jihadists, in America, we shoot back
