Thoughts on Hillary's Loft Pronouncements in Iowa today - Granite Grok

Thoughts on Hillary’s Loft Pronouncements in Iowa today

Meh-Hillary-copy(Image H/T: Powerline)   Yes, lots of ridicule is being made of her “new and fun” logo (as N.A.F. is what the campaign’s marketing is trying make of a 68 year old coattailer that’s been in politics for 20 years without a singular achievement to point to other than flying 1,000,000 at taxpayer expense while Secretary of State.  (Meh – I did 500,000 as a consultant and my achievements were to make the companies I visited achieve higher ROIs, higher productivity, and increased the velocity of information within organizations – getting the needed information to the right people in the formats they wanted).  Yes, that stylized H with the red (appropriate color) pointed to the right.  Heh- TMEW, when I showed it to her, went “Why is she using a hospital sign?“.

She said a couple of things today in Iowa that is just BEGGING for commentary:

We need to build the economy of tomorrow instead of yesterday

Right – which means we need a more vigorous and vibrant economy which means small businesses and startups.  Wait, wait…..wait, what was it she disdainfully say about such everyday biz folks?  Oh yeah, this:

‘I can’t be responsible for every under-capitalized small business in America’!”


We need to strengthen families and communities because that’s where it all starts

Right – this from a Saul Alinsky accolade who has said and done nothing except act in defense of the “truth” that the Collective trumps everything else including families (remember, “It takes a village” and by implication, the everyday person matters not much (unless she targets them for their vote).

We need to fix our dysfunctional political system and get unaccountable money out of it once and for all even if it takes a Constitutional Amendment

Right – this from Sr. Citizen whose not-everyday-citizen’s Foundation raked in hundreds of millions of dollars from just about every country (it seems) she visited as SecState.  Money much?

Right – this from a Progressive Political Hack who expects to raise $2.5 Billion in campaign funds.  Money much, or is she about to declare a vow of campaign poverty?

And we need to protect our country from the threats that we see and the ones out on the horizon

I am betting that if he could, US Ambassador Stevens to Libya might have a few words to say about “threats” (killed in Benghazi as requests for security aid went unheeded).

We have to figure out how to get this country back on the right track

Right – this from a person in the current Administration Inner Circle who has been in power for the last 7 years.  And has approved Obama’s policies ever since and ideologically aligned with him.

Yup, this campaign is going to yield a lot of fodder.  New and fun?  There is no way that Hillary, at 68 and politically active for almost as long, can be described as New.
