Notable Quote - Steve Mac Donald - Granite Grok

Notable Quote – Steve Mac Donald

Shot: from an email, back from 2013, on a report from a meeting where NH Senate plans on endorsing Obamacare were being discussed:

I arrived just in time to hear an influential member of the board saying (I’m paraphrasing here) what a great plan it was and the only people who would not want to accept federal money for this program are, flat earth tea partiers, and Ted Cruz fans who don’t want to pay taxes but still want their Social Security.

Chaser: Steve Mac Donald (Grokster, political activist) had a good rejoinder from back then:

Let me see if I can give a synopsis of this anti-tea party thing.

“Real Republicans” have reached across the aisle and deliberately embraced the slanderous, ignorant, hateful, propaganda rhetoric of progressive/socialists bent on the destruction of American Exceptionalism and the Republican party, rather than seek common ground with people with whom they agree on almost every issue?

That about cover it?

Yeah, pretty much current then and current still.  The Establishment GOP hates the TEA Party more than they do the Democrats. Don’t listen to their words – watch their actions.
