Apt words for Dennis Senibaldi and Al Letizio - Granite Grok

Apt words for Dennis Senibaldi and Al Letizio

From Austrian economist, Ludig Von Mises:

Many people are still haunted by the idea, which dates back to the preliberal era, that a certain nobility and dignity attaches to the exercise of governmental functions.  Up to very recently public officials in Germany enjoyed, and indeed still enjoy even today, a prestige that has made the most highly respected career that of a civil servant.  The social esteem in which a young “assessor” or lieutenant is held far exceeds that of a businessman or an attorney grown old in honest labor.  Writers, scholars, and artists whose fame and glory have spread far beyond Germany enjoy in their own homeland only the respect corresponding to the often rather modest rank they occupied in the bureaucratic hierarchy.

There is no rational basis for this overestimation of the activities carried on in the offices of the administrative authorities.  It is a form of atavism, a vestige from the days when the burgher had to fear the prince and his knights because at any moment he might be spoliated by them.  In itself it is no finer, nobler, or more honorable to spend one’s days in a government office filling out documents than, for example, to work in the blueprint room of a machine factory.

After all, they work for us – although lately, many are thinking the opposite.  We are in the middle of an really bad inversion of the relationship of we American citizens and our Government – instead of we who have a government and it is supposed to serve us, in many practical aspects, the American Government is increasing having subjects. After all, look at how the IRS and EPA treats ordinary citizens who traverse their regulations – in some cases, the financial thrashings are the new dungeons or lashes.  Dennis Senibaldi and Al Letizio, IMHO, are prime examples as to why this is happening with their seeming disdain of good governance, open, and transparency.

The Bigger the Government, the smaller the citizen

Go ahead, demand of Dennis Senibaldi and Al Litizio of all the actions that have made Government smaller.  I’m betting that between all four hands, they’ll have a lot of fingers left over.  Remember, boys, you brought us upon yourselves.

(H/T: Café Hayek)
