Cal Coolidge on Taxation - Granite Grok

Cal Coolidge on Taxation

Cal Coolidge on Excessive TaxesThe problem now is that Progressives believe that ANYTHING Government done is actually NECESSARY.  We all know different.  Government does too much and we have to pay the negative price for it (and not just out of our wallets).  Excessive taxation is robbery and exists ONLY because Progressives have this rather asinine attitude that Government can do absolutely everything they can think it can – and have proceeded to make it happen regardless of actual results.

If Cal Coolidge was alive today, he’d be hated by the Left.  Extremely so, for standing for pretty much everything they believe diminishes the role of Government.  Being a former President would only be just that much more push for them to excoriate him. I, on the other hand, believe he is the walking epitome of “making Washington as inconsequential” to our daily lives – please send a whole company, if you would!

(H/T: Liberal Logic 101)
