Progressives Lie about the TEA Party and Its Goals - Granite Grok

Progressives Lie about the TEA Party and Its Goals

There is no bigger “Big Lie” than the lie by big government advocates and beneficiaries, repeated by E. Scott Cracraft in his November 25th op-ed in the Laconia Daily Sun ( that the TEA Party is “fascist”, racist, and/or extremist.

The real TEA Party (there are progressive and party establishment imposters) is millions of everyday Americans (of all ages, races, sexes, ethnic origins, income levels, etc.) in thousands of mostly local groups striving to return to constitutionally limited government “of the people, by the people, and for the people”.  TEA Party members want no privilege or special treatment for themselves that is not available to all American citizens.

Cracraft tries to confuse readers with his discussion of “fascism”.  Some people who became fascist dictators were elected as heads of democratic governments typically by deceiving the people about their intent to suppress their opponents, claim unconstitutional powers, and turn their governments into dictatorships, e.g., Germany and, more recently, in Egypt.  President Obama has also deceived Americans about his intent, used government power to suppress his opponents, and exercised powers beyond those granted by our Constitution; the future will show how much further he intends to abuse his office.

The only meaningful spectrum of government power is from anarchy at one end to absolute government control at the other.  Batched together close to the absolute government control end of the spectrum are Fascism, Communism, and various other dictatorship forms that use government power to suppress, and often kill, opponents of their policies.  The TEA Party wants to re-establish our nation’s founders’ vision of a government near the middle of that spectrum with the primary purpose of protecting everyone’s liberties so that each person has the maximum opportunity for achieving his or her own goals.

Most Americans know that our national government has shifted towards the absolute control end of the spectrum.  Instead of primarily using power to protect the rights of all Americans, our government favors the special interests, the politicians, and government itself.

Most Democrats and Republicans see various government excesses that threaten our safety, prosperity, and freedoms.  E.g., the Patriot Act, government spying on innocent Americans, deceitfulness, excessive taxation, irresponsible spending of taxpayer money, and uses of excessive force against citizens who don’t threaten anyone, e.g., Ruby Ridge and in raids of homes of non-violent and sometimes totally innocent people.  There are thousands of less-well-known regulations, e.g., allowing government to control the food you grow for your own use; and proposed regulations to control the Internet and free speech.  These excessive government powers far exceed what would have been acceptable to our nation’s founders.

Americans appropriately disapprove of Washington politicians because they constantly lie to us and too often legislate (e.g., Obamacare) and govern (e.g., Obama’s amnesty for illegal aliens) against the will and best interest of the vast majority of Americans.

Contrary to Cracraft’s claim, the TEA Party is not against any group, but we oppose any government action that allows one group to unduly benefit at the expense of other, usually less powerful, Americans.  And, despite false claims to the contrary, we have little concern for President Obama’s history, race, or religion; we do care that he constantly lies to us, hides his intentions from voters, violates his oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”, and because his policies hurt people, especially Americans who aren’t rich.

Except for rare times of extreme national danger, e.g., World War II, the TEA Party opposes deficit spending which passes an immoral burden onto our children and subsequent generations.

After forty years of failing Federal Government intrusion into and influence over public education, it is time to allow the parents of children trapped in failing public schools to use the money taxpayers provided for their children’s education to a school of their choice.

After more than 60 years of growing government regulations that waste billions of tax dollars (e.g., Solyndra), increase our cost of living, (e.g., ethanol), and favor special interests at the expense of American workers and taxpayers, it is time to eliminate all special privileges, subsidies, bailouts, non-competitive bid contracts, competition limiting regulations, and excessive regulations that make American businesses uncompetitive and drive jobs overseas.

Most Americans see that Washington operates against their interests and for special interest groups and the politicians themselves.  The TEA Party demands that laws must apply equally to all Americans including politicians and government officials (e.g., insider trading and Obamacare), that special privileges (e.g., taxes, regulations, “too big to fail”, legal exemptions) and spending that is wasteful or driven by politics rather than national interest be eliminated.

Seeing continuation of their benefits threatened, the special interests and politicians of both political parties use the wealth and power gained at the expense of the American people to launch voluminous and well-funded attacks on the TEA Party.

Scott Cracraft’s op-ed is just another part of the Big Lie put out by the special interests, politicians, and other beneficiaries of big government who prosper off the efforts of hard working Americans.  These privileged few see their gravy train threatened and therefore they fight, misrepresent, and slander the everyday Americans striving to return to a constitutionally limited government, “of the people, by the people, and for the people.”
