GrokTALK! for the week of 12/20/2014 – The videos - Granite Grok

GrokTALK! for the week of 12/20/2014 – The videos

Good thing Steve got the audio right – UStream servers mangled the live stream recording and I’ve had to go back to the plain recording camera here (which is not privy to the phone calls (but you can help us get the BeachTek unit to do so by donating by clicking on the Donate button on the right!).  IF you listen carefully, you can faintly hear Grokster Mike – it seems the Rode mic is good enough to hear the audio coming out of the spare headphones) but you will have to “put your ears on”.  Thus, we don’t have the segments with Dr. Joe D’aleo of WeatherBell.


Segment 1:

Segment 2

Segment 4
