They fear Ted Cruz - Granite Grok

They fear Ted Cruz

Credits: Johnny Hanson / Houston Chronicle / AP
Credits: Johnny Hanson / Houston Chronicle / AP

I read this on GrokTALK! this past Saturday and I figured that you might want to read this Big Government post yourselves (reformatted, emphasis mine):

White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer conceded that he fears a President Ted Cruz will overturn President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty, perhaps signaling that Cruz represents the greatest threat to the progressive left.  “Our first 100 days we spent a lot of time signing executive orders undoing what [President George W.] Bush did, and I would like not to be sitting on a beach somewhere reading about President [Ted] Cruz doing that to us, so it’s very important to us,” Pfeiffertold the Wall Street Journal on Friday.  Earlier in the day, Pfeiffer declared that Obama’s executive amnesty was one of the reasons that made 2014 a “year of great progress” for the “progressive agenda.” He told theJournal that from the “perspective of advancing our agenda through our pen and our phone, this has been a tremendously successful year.”

A couple of takeaways from Pfeiffer’s words:

  • Obliterate what was done before to the extent possible – “Our first 100 days we spent a lot of time signing executive orders undoing what [President George W.] Bush “.  Progressivism depends on breaking with the past – there is only the NOW and the FUTURE.  Anything that came before must be made to go down the memory hole.  It is clear that Obama ran as the anti-Bush both the first time and the second time.  He constantly said that the Past did not work and actively belittled Bush as the progenitor of that past knowing that many of his followers voted and support him because of their hatred for Bush.  But making someone (and their actions) disappear?  Read your history books to see what other regimes have done the same thing.
  • Prevent that person who has no compunction for “settled action to keep from being obliterated themselves – “President Ted Cruz will overturn President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty“.  Obama fears few Republicans for he
  • Progressive governance DEPENDS on an autocratic / non-democratic system to succeed – “Obama’s executive amnesty was one of the reasons that made 2014 a “year of great progress” for the “progressive agenda“.  And how did he accomplish this? Autocratically – he has done nothing but rail that Congress would not bow to his will even as he is only 1/3 of three branches of our Federal Government.  Instead, he has had to take advantage of what the Progressive Congress (both Rs and Ds) have given him from the past – a huge Leviathan of a governmental apparatus that only needs to wait for his bidding.

This is our future IF the new Republican Congressional majorities do not immediate start to:

  1. Actually carry out their Constitutional duties AND reclaim their Constitutional powers by no longer just passing the buck to the Executive Branch because they fear losing their seats on controversial votes
  2. Start the process of DECREASING the size, reach, and intrusiveness of the Federal government – both at the State level as well as the individual level

“Winning is only a precursor; what you do AFTERWARDS is most important”

Will the Republicans (yes, Kelly Ayotte AND Frank Guinta, this means BOTH of you!) heed that call?
