Dear Representatives: "There Is No Alternative!" - Granite Grok

Dear Representatives: “There Is No Alternative!”

Bill Obrien Podium
There Is No Alternative!
The Left will always tell you who they fear, and make no mistake, they FEAR Bill O’Brien: They campaigned against him – and lost seats; they fundraised off him – but the GOP did better; they wailed about his potential return – and the GOP caucus voted for Bill anyway!

It is that fear, on the part of Dems and their allies (the spineless RINOs) that has led to the movement to nominate Shawn Jasper, AKA “His Vileness” and dilute the votes for Bill O’Brien, in the hope that Steve Shurtleff might stand a chance at being Speaker.

There-is-No-AlternativeDear Members, There is no alternative, there is NO substitute for principles when it comes to governing WITH, instead of against, the will of the People. We The People have elected a majority of Republicans, knowing full well, nay, EXPECTING, that Bill O’Brien would be Speaker, and not to go along with the Democrat agenda, but to stand athwart the corpse of Progressivism yelling STOP!

This cannot be achieved by Jasper Milquetoast, no matter how slyly he plots – it can only be achieved by firmness of principle and steadfastness of purpose. There is no alternative to O’Brien. Dear Representatives, vote like the life of your State depends upon it – VOTE O’Brien!
