Former Speaker Bill O'Brien was excoriated for this - devolve Power back to Individuals - Granite Grok

Former Speaker Bill O’Brien was excoriated for this – devolve Power back to Individuals

BUMPED: First posted on 2/17/2014

And that is why the Left here in NH HATED Bill – he believed that political power should not reside in the State Capital and certainly not with politicians (note: some harsher words from Glen Reynolds from Instapundit about this: “Deny them that, and make it painful for them whenever possible“).  How DARE O’Brien give away all that power that Democrat & Republicans Progressives and Lovers of Power that took generations to amass (kinda why both Parties hate the TEA Party too – politicians HATE limits placed upon them).  My GOSH – that would put mere Citizens to be equal with US?  Mon Dieu!

Liberal Logic 101 has another person who has it Right on the button – Rick Perry.

Rick Perry - decentralizationTo be a Public Servant means to concentrate on the word “servant”.  To be a “servant” means serving someone – willingly to give up power to do so.  Yet, it seems that Public Servant has become a misnomer – indeed, that relationship, contra our Founding Fathers’ intent, has flipped and inverted that relationship.  That needs to be rectified and it must start with us, the citizenry, saying (and voting) “No More”.

We must abuse ourselves that all politician bums must be thrown out except our own.  Instead, throw out all of those that would keep your natural power from you in order to enrich their own sense of power over you.
