Notable Quote - David Starr - Granite Grok

Notable Quote – David Starr

H/T (that would be Hat Tip) to Weekend Pundit for this great observation:

As David Starr reminds us, it’s not the number of executive orders the President issues, it’s what’s in them.

I have no problem with settling bureaucratic turf battles by executive order. I do have a problem with over riding Congressional votes by executive order.

The second is something the present occupant of the White House seems to have no problem with at any level.

Indeed. There are very few areas in the American life now where Obama has not issued a Royal Decree Executive Order in his dash to fundamentally transform us all into his selfish wish of what he believes is Utopia and avoiding the normal Constitutional process (I guess he is just too bored with the little things for the follow through or just hasn’t the capacity to “pay attention to details”).  What President Narcissist has yet to learn and accept is that one person’s version of Utopia turns out to be another’s Hell.  This country was found on the notion that we could be left alone from those that would tell us what to do; Progressives are hellbent to forget that history – they are busybodies with mean streaks.
