Jane Cormier, Candidate for NH Senate - GrokTALK! June 14th, 2014 - Granite Grok

Jane Cormier, Candidate for NH Senate – GrokTALK! June 14th, 2014

GrokTalk PodcastingIn segment two Jane Cormier joins the program to talk about her NH State Senate campaign (Dist 16), the issues, constituent expectations, and when Republicans legislate out of fear rather than principle. Before that, Skip, Mike, Ed, and Rick revisit the significance of Eric Cantor’s loss, RINO’s and the Concord Flu, a second Bill O’Brien speakership, and Boots vs. media.

Note: The music and audio Skip says might be missing has been added post production.

Segment Two with Skip, Rick, Ed, Mike and Jane Cormier (33 min)

You Can Also Listen or Download Here or on the Podcast Page (Download it now and listen on your drive.)

You can find the entire two-hour podcast here.

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