GrokSHOT! - Former Army Lt. Col (Special Forces) & Gilford School Board's Kurt Webber tries to give a Civics lesson - Granite Grok

GrokSHOT! – Former Army Lt. Col (Special Forces) & Gilford School Board’s Kurt Webber tries to give a Civics lesson

#FAIL:  “You WILL obey Our rules or we will have you arrested!”  How authoritarian.

I’m on vacation for a bit so blogging will be light from me for a while.  However, the infamous Gilford School Board, that had parent William “Billy” Baer arrested simply for trying to engage the Board as to why his freshman daughter was assigned a mandatory reading of a book containing kiddie porn (at best, “Teen Porn”), had their monthly meeting last night.  Not being ill this time, I went.  As I explained to the rest of the Groksters:

Funniest Gilford School Board meeting EVAH for me!  Just a ton of ridicule outbound…People came from the Seacoast, the Lakes Region TEA Party, and Nashua – all to support Billy Baer but the Chair said only Gilford residents could speak. So, I did.  Did again.  And again.  And then once more.  After all, their own rules had no clause that one could only speak once. Ridicule – and they GAVE me my talking points.  Just opened their mouths and gave me fodder; especially Kurt Webber.

And I told them exactly that, too.  But I could not let  Kurt Webber’s Free Speech “Civics lesson” go without one of my own in return:

More GrokSHOTS! to come.  And yes, the entire dreary meeting will be posted in 20 minute (or so) segments.
