David Gregory: "Where is the US Constitution not placed in the right level today? - Granite Grok

David Gregory: “Where is the US Constitution not placed in the right level today?

“There are some people who say that. That’s a very highly charged thing to say. Where is the US Constitution not placed in the right level today?”

Here is the video:

The longer version of this video is here; the above quote can be found at the 7:13 mark.

As a national level MainStream Media journalist, I am surprised that Gregory even has to ask – not!  Given how few seem to know what it is, how  about this from the Constitution itself, David – the Tenth Amendment:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

There are all kinds of reasons David – why is it within the sphere of the US Senate to formerly get involved in the name of a sports team (e.g., Washington Redskins)?  Why is it the Proper Role of the Federal Government to determine the amount of flush  water that can be used?  Or that the US House determine what kind of light bulb I can buy?  How about the materials involved in manufacturing LOTS of things?  Or that the President’s agencies can regulate the type of energy I can use or when (EPA unilaterally sidestepping Congress with CO2 emissions), the kind of car I can buy (re: CAFE standards set by the DOT, ) not by my elected officials but by a flock of bureaucratic flunkies?  I could go on and on – but certainly the Constitution does not explicitly authorize, on a whim, that certain industries should no longer be in the marketplace (e.g., Operation Choke Point for retail gun stores, the EPA for the coal industry) or that it can blithely and essentially take over the healthcare industry and as some Progressives want, kill off the private healthcare insurance companies, neh?

That’s a very highly charged thing to say”. Only to those that believe that Individuals should not and can not  lead their own lives.  Only to those that believe that all of us are victims of one sort of another and that ONLY Government can make the right decisions for everyone all the time.  Only to those that believe that without an overly activist Government that demands equality of outcome (by quotas, seemingly) and material equality.  Only to those that would dictate where we can live, where we can shop, how we are to travel, and to force their simulacrum of “community” upon those that really can’t stand those doing the dictating. Only to those that believe that Safety and Security to be mandated by Government fiat trump real Constitutional protection of Liberty and Freedom.  Only to those that believe that Free Speech must be controlled, lest speech be uttered that would offend incumbent politicians and those special snowflakes in Society that truly believe their sense of wellness can never be challenged by an opposite view.

For people like me, a white middle aged Evangelical guy who loves his God, his Bible, his wife and sons and believes in the entirety of the US and NH Constitutions?  Not “a very highly charged thing to say”.

In fact, we often hear Liberals and Progressives talk (and try to use as a political or “shaming” club) about “our social contract”.  Next time somebody says that?  Demand that they show it to you, as it always seems to change without your (or my) input – just theirs.  Ask, too, “er, where did I sign that”?  Then lay it on them – the ONLY social contract that exists are those Constitutions – the US and your State’s.

Their heads will explode and all they’ll do is babble and blither.


(H/T: NewsBusters)
