Shinseki Out At VA - Granite Grok

Shinseki Out At VA

VAEric Shinseki has resigned from the VA, observing that he would present a distraction from any new reforms designed to improve care.

Obama Agreed.

“…the president said he accepted the resignation “with considerable regret” and admitted that the decision was partly political.


The president said Mr. Shinseki told him “that he could not carry out the next stages of reform without being a distraction himself.”

“And so, you know, my assessment was, unfortunately, that he was right,” the president told reporters. “We’ve also got to deal with Congress and you guys.”

Prior to this scandal it is entirely possible that Mr. Obama rarely if ever spoke to Shinseki.  It is common knowledge that Obama shuns his cabinet.  So his remarks…”uhhh…I guess he’s got to go?,” are more evidence of a lack of,or inability to lead.

Mrs O. and Ms Jarrett, likely made the call, and had the President’s scheduler tell him where to be, when, and why.
