US Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) confirms what others have said about Obamacare: "Free Stuff" - Granite Grok

US Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) confirms what others have said about Obamacare: “Free Stuff”

The Hill:

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) admitted Friday it’s “difficult to turn the clock back” on ObamaCare, but proposed making the law voluntary as a possible fix for consumers.  “I think it’s going to be difficult to turn the clock back. People get assumed and accustomed to receiving things, particularly things that they get for free,” he told a crowd of students at Harvard’s Institute of Politics on Friday.

Paul’s comments echo those of other Republicans who have admitted it will be difficult to fully repeal the law after some of its more popular provisions took effect.

And he is right and that was always the argument all along – once the “free stuff” was rolled out, the smiling Democrats knew that their March to a Socialist end game would be that next step in shoving the Overton Window leftward. They just would never openly and publicly admit to it, always preferring to couch it in other terms that were politically acceptable.  But if you stripped off all the Happy Words, that was the message: “We give you stuff   Sadly, the only shot of stopping this in DC by the Legislature would have been for the House to refuse to fund it – a Constitutional step that exist given their control of the purse.  And we saw them do what we feared – they wussed out. 

As Pantaleon Florez III saidMy vote put a man in office who made it possible for me to get affordable healthcare for $33.90 per month. He has done his job. Right.  Essentially, a conscious decision that said “you are all too willing put someone into power that will use the force of  Government to extract value from others for your own benefit“.  Our Republic was built on the idea that we were a “virtuous” people – that we as Individuals AND as a Government would respect the Right to Private Property (one of THE pillars of a free and open democracy, the other being The Rule of Law).  Sadly, instead of believing that “other people’s stuff belongs to them”, we have a society that, more and more, believes it is “virtuous” to take private property from some to give to others.

What Pantaleon is doing, even as it goes unsaid, is “I am in favor of socialism”.  I guess he never heard of Margaret Thatcher’s words; maybe Romney was right after all, eh?
