GrokTALK! for the week of 4/19/2014 – The Videos, Part 2 - Granite Grok

GrokTALK! for the week of 4/19/2014 – The Videos, Part 2

Segment 2 – Kimberly Morin from joins the gang in studio; we talk about the latest UNH poll that just seemed to be out-of-whack with reality and Kimberly dives into it.  We also talk about what she discovered what NH State Rep. Suzanne Mercer Vail (D) had on her Facebook page (now pulled down)  about the Free State Project and how much she wishes to “allocate” Freedom to us here in NH:

“…The aim is to overpower the state government. The method is to weaken the laws of New Hampshire, creating more freedom and liberty in a state where that is maxed…”

  • Segment 1 here
  • Full audio recording here