Why is it so many people want to outsource this? - Granite Grok

Why is it so many people want to outsource this?

‘Grok friend John Hawkins (of RightWingNews and Linkiest)  has it right! So ask yourself: why is it that Democrats and Progressives WANT you to outsource this to others (especially them)?

John Hawkins on YOUR jobSeriously ask yourself why SHOULD you depend on someone else for your well being?  And if you subscribe to that idea that you should, PLEASE tell me WHY you think you have the right to IMPOSE your needs upon others? That you have a right to DEMAND that others involuntarily be striped of their property (otherwise called money) just to take care of you.

I call that attitude rude, disrespectful and dishonorable.  Only children act that way.

(H/T: Liberal Logic 101)
