Sandra Fluke, call your office: "CDC warns that gonorrhea on verge of being untreatable." - Granite Grok

Sandra Fluke, call your office: “CDC warns that gonorrhea on verge of being untreatable.”

“The CDC has issued a report detailing its findings in attempting to trace the increasing difficulty in treating gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that can cause severe discomfort, serious medical problems (such as sterility) for both genders and in very rare cases, death.

Gonorrhea is a bacterial disease that has been around for thousands of years, if not longer, plaguing human populations. In more recent times, it’s had to evolve to survive as humans learned to treat it using penicillin and other antibacterial agents. Over the past thirty years in particular, gonorrhea has evolved to the point that there are very few treatments left (ceftriaxone along with either azithromycin or doxycycline) and now, it looks like its poised to get the best of those as well, which will mean those who contract the disease in the very near future will find that doctors have no way to cure them.”

The creation of The Pill made the libertine sexual revolution possible – the lack of a pill may bring that to a screeching halt. We saw what happened to our culture when   a “no consequence” option was available – with the disconnection of marriage and procreation, we started to see societal mores and prohibitions start to fall.  And like all changes to a system, a change here results in a change over there (or multiple changes) and many will be sub-optimal.

Who knows, if folks start to realized that the current “no consequence” lifestyles turns into a real life “oh crap BIG consequence”, we may see a turn to a more moral society with respect to “free sex” (a misnomer of a cultural meme, along with “hookup”,which was never free to begin – there is a cost to EVERY thing) because if your lottery gets picked in this game, the prize is nothing to want to brag about.  And who knows, it might end up like raising your kids: Dad was really smart, then became the stupidest organism around, and then his IQ went to well above average when the kids got past 21 years old).  Those of us who maintained “abstinence works every time it’s tried” were thought to be stuck in the past, and “sex only inside a marriage” made us the religious theocrats and “no funsters”.  And now, it may turn out we were right after all, eh?

Everything in life is a risk but is this a risk worth having?  With the Democrats saying that everyone has to pay for everyone’s contraceptives, this is biological science saying “and you REALLY want to keep telling people to keep having sex with multiple partners”?

You know, I have to ask a question: Democrats / Progressives are known for growing the Nanny State – When will we start to hear Progressive folks like NH State Rep Leigh “The role of government is to legislate behavior” Webb start reversing their direction and try to legislate gonorrhea out of existence by controlling everyone’s bedroom behavior (instead of just the pill cases next to the bed)?

(H/T: Medical Press via Instapundit)
