Global Warming DOES Cause Global Cooling...or Something. - Granite Grok

Global Warming DOES Cause Global Cooling…or Something.

Real Science

To date, October-March temperatures are the coldest since 1899 – but they will rise some before the end of the month – and may pass 1912. 77% of the US has been below normal temperature since October 1.

US October to March temp Global warming does cause global cooling. It also grows hair, eliminates toenail fungus, It is The New Black, gets rid of those dirty rings, cures obesity, balances the budget….(wait, it doesn’t balance the budget), revives your Norwegian Blue, Gets Milk, Just Does it, it IS the next JFK, Flicks your BIC, always has some Grey Poupon, is a better neighbor than State Farm, and comes in more than 57 flavors.

Or something.

H/T Reader Scott McGrath
