Disqus Doodlings: Delingpole, Steyn, The Spectator, and a Lefty Troll - Granite Grok

Disqus Doodlings: Delingpole, Steyn, The Spectator, and a Lefty Troll

UK-SpectatorThe Spectator, as in the original UK Spectator.  

SteynBWMark Steyn, as in our NH and national treasure, conservative, author, humorist, and the defendant in a meritless lawsuit brought by the climate change fraud, “Hockeystick” Mann. How meritless? Let’s not ask Steyn – here’s Stephen McIntyre, a highly analytical statistician, on the subject.  

DelingPoleBWJames Delingpole, as in British writer and humorist – one of those few Brits who, unlike Piers ‘Ponce De’ Morgan, completely ‘gets’ the American Experiment in government Of, By, and For, the People.
James Delingpole wrote an excellent piece at The Spectator on why good conservatives should rally round Mark Steyn.  

FUkittyLefty Troll, probably British, with a rude pen-name, and poor attitude toward any anyone who likes limited government. The troll thinks that a good upbringing is only supposed to turn out faithful socialists.

The Lefty Troll had much to say, but a couple of points in particular got me going – here’s MY pull quote

Mike wrote:   Are you perhaps suggesting that a good education is only suitable for churning out socialists?
That having an upbringing of privilege prepares one for the ruling class, wherefrom to destroy the rungs of the ladder which one’s parents climbed?

The Troll’s comments which got me wound up were his attacks on: Delingpole for wasting an elite British education by not becoming a Socialist, and for DARING to join Breitbart.com. Further hatred was spewed for Small government and TEA party types in general.

Here’s the Troll’s quotes which I launched from:

[Delingpole] describes himself as a ‘libertarian conservative’ despite having been the recipient of one of the most privileged establishment educations that Britain has to offer.

There is, of course, no such thing as a libertarian: Libertarians are just anarchists who don’t like the communist connotations of that term and made up a new one so that they could be establishment tough-guys and anti-establishment tax-dodgers at the same time.

He is the US Tea Party, dressed in little England drag and waving a plastic Union Jack. A highly educated careerist who writes in a carefully calibrated middle-class tone of confusion and fury.

My full riposte:

Are you perhaps suggesting that a good education is only suitable for churning out socialists?
That having an upbringing of privilege prepares one for the ruling class, wherefrom to destroy the rungs of the ladder which one’s parents climbed?

Anarchists aren’t all nasty people – they simply believe in no government – they are just misguided when they think that capitalism and peaceful cooperation is enough for a stable society.
Libertarians are very similar to 19th century classical liberals, with whose minimal guidance (laissez faire), Britain prospered and ruled the waves.

The TEA party (not an actual party, but a mindset) wants government to set a simple and consistent set of rules, equally enforced for all, and to stop the oppression already. Most of the republicans and democrats, and the British conservatives and lib-labs want big expensive government which necessarily oppresses the people.

Dear Brits: embrace the barrage of Farrage while you still have a country.
Dear Yanks: embrace Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and yes, Sarah Palin, before your liberties are gone with the wind!

Remember well: Governments are instituted amongst men to preserve these rights. With its Magna Carta, Bill of Rights, and (unwritten) constitution, the British government was originally so designed, and the British Sheeple have allowed the socialists of all parties to become their oppressors.

Let me ask you this, my formerly armed countrymen: Are you disarmed for your safety, now that you cannot legallly defend your home and family with ANYTHING, much less a gun, or are you disarmed for the safety of your overlords?

In America, we still have a fighting chance of discouraging the Leviathan state, although that chance is shrinking – More power to Mark Steyn, and to James Delingpole, one of a growing class of Brits who actually understand what (used to) make America tick.

I continued under another post on the Delingpole article:

I have had the privilege to listen to Steyn live, and to interview him, as well as chuckling my way through his guest appearances on the Rush Limbaugh program.

He is a good man, who, like Delingpole, absolutely gets what America is about, and why it is crucial that this beacon of freedom not be extinguished.

If Hockey Stick Mann (about as fraudulent as Piltdown man) should win, both science and journalism will have been set back a hundred years.

Cartoon found at "The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles"
Cartoon found at “The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles”