Income Inequality cause? Obama ought to look in the mirror and his Progressive bible for the reason - Granite Grok

Income Inequality cause? Obama ought to look in the mirror and his Progressive bible for the reason

“The irony is that Obama has said he is going to dedicate himself and the rest of his time in office to fighting inequality,” Krauthammer said. “He actually created the greatest inequality.” The president’s policies of having low interests rates and having the fed pump money into the economy have caused the rich to get richer, Krauthammer said. “That’s why you get the mass discontent in the sense of the economy improving.”

“He is the cause and now he is going to redeem us from the misery that he has contributed to,” Krauthammer added.

Obama is simply employing Marxist class hate and class envy – promising with his “words” to “help” the middle class even as his actual policies are destroying it – leaving only the very poor and the very rich.  Let’s also add in, to items that Krauthammer lists,  the stagnation of the economy that his policies have wrought (rotted?  Could be either) with 10s of thousands of new laws and regulations (chiefly in the areas of paperwork, energy regulation, and job crushing Obamacare).  Two more features – in which Jr. Partner Republicans have a part: 

  • the increased population of single moms with low education attributes
  • the low / manual skilled illegal aliens willing to work for lower wages (or forced to)

This is one reason I just cannot understand why Republicans haven’t been crafting more family friendly policies, to keep the nuclear family supported (instead of the Republican version of Crony Capitalism) as opposed to welfare  implementations which are great in splitting up the family and driving off the “man” in the picture.  Study after study shows that when a couple stays together, the chances of poverty is much reduced (and the kids do better too – the primary reason for marriage and not the common culture reason of “you need to satisfy my needs and desires” / “Love, love, love!”.

And the simply idiotic Republican March to Political Death Via Illegal Alien Amnesty (re: Mr. Wonderful’s “You’re DEAD to me!” on Shark Tank will be the base’s response) will yield millions more of low skilled, low educated when the economy is already hard pressed to absorb American citizens in the same condition (and I have no problem in standing up for Americans over those that shouldn’t be here in the first place – and for the trackers reading this, that does not make me xenophobic, just a person who believes in The Rule of Law).

(H/T: The Corner)
