For Those Interested in Sharing Links From GraniteGrok On Facebook... - Granite Grok

For Those Interested in Sharing Links From GraniteGrok On Facebook…

New Default Image

We believe we (by that I mean Skip) have resolved the issue that was preventing the Facebook API from correctly seeing images from Granite Grok.

The default image should now be a Grok Logo, but if there are multiple images available to include from the site in the status update (you’ll see translucent arrows on the top of the image in Facebook), you should be able to scroll through to two or three that Facebook finds to choose one you want.  And that should include any image associated with the actual content you are sharing.

Imagine that?  The actual post image.  That was actually a big problem for a while.

Hopefully, you will have the same success I had while testing this out.  If you don’t, let us know and we’ll take another look.

