Quote of the Day- George Will on This President's Amusing Discovery - Granite Grok

Quote of the Day- George Will on This President’s Amusing Discovery

georgeWillAsked about his  take on President Obama’s quote regarding the hindenbergian Obama Care role out not being his management style but that outdated big agencies are, George Will said on Fox News Sunday the following with his classic style and wit.

The education of this president is a protracted and often amusing process, as it was this week. As he continues to alight upon the obvious with a sense of profound and original discovery.  He’s alighting on what is obvious to governors…The president is saying the trouble with Big Government is that it’s so darn Big. Like a lot of other Big organisms, dinosaurs spring in mind; it has a simple nervous system; it’s sclerotic; it’s governed by inertia and it’s hard to move.  This from a man who has devoted his life to increasing the power of government as an instrument of redistribution of income because government is wiser than markets at that. It’s highly amusing. -George F. Will
