Don't Swim Near The King! - Granite Grok

Don’t Swim Near The King!

A private beach by Government decree!
A private beach by Gov’t decree!
"In addition, road closures will be necessary..."
“In addition, road closures will be necessary…”
(CoastGuard sign from       Exclusion Zone map from KITV, Hawaii )

Do not pass ‘GO’, Forfeit $40,000 and Go Directly to Jail – Those are the penalties for getting too close to His Beneficent Majesty, Barack Hussein Obama 1st. A private beach and bay with teeth – teeth which only bite the little guy trying to enjoy the wrong slice of paradise this holiday season.

But it’s not just the expensive private retreat, the vast retinue, and the local disturbance which is offensive – it is the ostentatious enjoyment of golf clubs, hiking trails, restaurants, and basketball games, with the attendant traffic jams caused by the motorcade and his security detail, which aggravates both locals and vacationers, who are unable to peacefully enjoy what they have paid for.

Compare these trips with the quiet home vacations of Reagan with his horses in Simi Valley, Bush I on his private spit of land in Maine, or Bush II trail-biking on his ranch in Texas. The only people inconvenienced by by “W” at his Crawford ranch were Cindy Sheehan and the press members foolish enough to visit her protest camp alongside the road.

Yes, it’s good to be King – but we in America do not believe in kings, and real leaders do not lord it over their subjects.
