Ruling Class Benefits For Ruling Class People - Granite Grok

Ruling Class Benefits For Ruling Class People

In the Future, ObamaCare will be showcased as a resounding success.  Foreign celebrities and politicians will be paraded through DC.  They will be shown the superior web access through the private Blue Cross Blue Shield Web portal.  Marvel at the 112 different plan options available.  Applaud the 24/7 personalized customer service from Aetna, to answer questions or get help deciding which plan is right for them–while the Real ObamaCare, will remain hidden, out there, out of view.

Sorry.  That’s not in the future, that’s today!

c/o NYT

Members of Congress, the folks running the train wreck in DC, they don’t have a clue about how bad this all is because the ObamaCare baubles placed before their eyes are shiny and alluring.  There’s an “Executive Washroom” version for the Capitol.

It was set up by the insurers, and things work. And why not–DC did not just hand them a virtual monopoly, they mandated that everyone buy their products and services. We’ll give you 300 million customers plus or minus and we’ll fine them if they don’t buy the Yugo. In exchange (har-har) we’ll take a Cadillac.

You have to keep the ruling class happy or they might start letting the air out of your police state-mandated monopoly.  (Do these execs know that in China when the people who run the government entities screw up they don’t get fired, they get fired upon?)

Incremental socialism always leads to the same destination.

So this is a lot like Health Care in Cuba.  Multiple-media personality disordered morons like Sean Penn can go to DC where the masters of Dog and Pony will show them the great treatment the ruling class gets, the plans, the custom service, “spared no expense” is what John Hammond would say–the movie character fronting the theme-Island known as Jurassic Park.  And people will go, wow. That ObamaCare is really awesome. Look at that web site! Look at the choices! It’s so dreamy.

Out in the real world people can’t log on, are getting dumped, left hanging, don’t know if they are covered, are charged for services they do not need or could never use, seeing their premiums skyrocket, and suffering from stress-induced trauma that their plan might cover if they could get one or afford one.

And care, actual treatment, will be no different.  Market forces and human nature demand this.  The digital health care portals are an example of how actual care will work for the ruling class, no matter what we call it.  Fewer doctors, fewer hospitals, more hassle, less care, long lines, inevitable waits, declining service, until your “nurse” is a public union employee whose health care resume includes ” TSA screener with a 3rd Degree in BCS* and extensive experience in frisking, x-ray, and interrogation.”  (*That’s Body Cavity Search)

The people at the top will have none of this.  Their corporatist allies (and ruling class proclivities) will ensure that they are not inconvenienced while assuring the country class victims of their innovation, who are paying the freight for both sides of this two-faced coin, are told that ‘experts’ are working to fix the bugs.

There are no bugs.  These are features.  Ask anyone who has ever lived under such a regime, which would be almost every human in history but those who lived in the America envisioned by the founders but trashed by greedy politicians protecting the biggest mafia family business of all –  The Gubmint.

All of this is brought to you courtesy of Partisan Ruling Class Democrats who passed this turd then defended it to the last man, woman, transgender, illegal alien, preexisting conditioned, granny, insurance agent, union exempted, pretend doctor, boondoggle benefactor, and talking head.  All of them hoping they will be crowned prom queen at the ObamaCare ball, some of them already experiencing buyers remorse.

Get used to remorse.  There is very little room at the top of this crooked pyramid scheme and plenty of people underneath who need to stay there to make sure the people at the top stay at the top, pampered and protected from the cruel policies they force upon us.

