Illegal Voter Anmesty For New Hampshire - Granite Grok

Illegal Voter Anmesty For New Hampshire

Republicans often promote the idea of supporting amnesty for illegal aliens but the numbers are not in their favor.  Over 70% of Hispanics in the US legally already vote Democrat and have for years.  Amnesty would just make it easier for the 30 million or so illegal immigrants to emerge from the shadows to add their votes to the Democrat tally with more legitimacy.

But, I can see John McAmnesty McCain estblaishment Republicans rubbing his hands together at the thought of getting potentially 9 million votes for the GOP if they just aupport Amnesty in any of its forms.   But that’s not likley.  Defacto amnesty will produce 30 million new Democrat voters and piss off the 25-30% of Hispanics who still vote Republican because they opposed manesty.

We have a reflection of that same brillaint GOP thinking here in New Hampshire.  It is called Illegal voter amnesty.

Tens of thousands of out of state residents swarm accross our borders to become residents for a day (maybe a week or a few months) vote Democrat and then leave the state.   The Democrat party has been making this possible for more than a decade, through policy changes that make it easier to do and harder to catch.  So what does the NH-GOP do when we begin to uncover evidence of a massive conspiracy to steal electionin 2012 by running Democrat voters through the holes in our electoral system?   They have awarded them defacto voter fraud amnesty because they are afraid that the one or two (or even one or two perent) of these thousands who stole votes from actual taxpaying residents, may have voted Republican.  It could make their candidate(s) look bad.

Note to the NH-GOP leadership and their water carriers in the old and new media.  If the Democrats can tip the registration rolls by 10% in any election without fear of embarassment–or God forbid prosecution–you will never have to worry about getting your candidates elected.  It is never going to happen.
