"FCC: Lifeline Program Fraud and Abuse Surpasses Two Million Subscribers " - Granite Grok

“FCC: Lifeline Program Fraud and Abuse Surpasses Two Million Subscribers “

I wrote back in 2009 about the Lifeline (aka Obamaphones):

Once again, we see that the line at what Big Government defines as the “needs” of those needing “welfare” always seems to go ever upward over time (in addition to what the definition of what “poor” is). I saw an ad on TV the other day (in fact, I JUST saw it again) that if you are on food stamps or receive other type government aid, there is a program just for you.  The actress proudly proclaimed “I can now call my family any time I want!” – she has a free cell phone!

Don’t know about you but I consider a cell phone a luxury – a “want” vs a “need”. Handy?  Absolutely, but I am not one that is tied to one.  As such, it comes from my discretionary income (such as it is).  If things were to get tough, it would be banished from the budget.

Indeed – want vs need.  Now apply that to Obamacare.   A basic fiscal truism: “you can’t have it all”.  Pretty much most of us ordinary folk have to make that kind of decision each and every day.  Self-discipline is a required component.  Without it, bad consequences happen.  But what is the incentive to continue to be self-disciplined when all one has to do is look behind and see those that often are not as careful, as not as self-disciplined, or more lured to the instant gratification or status symbols blithely being given such by Government.

I blame Progressive Government.  Just as Government distorts financial marketplaces through Crony Capitalism and allowing rent-seekers to feed at the trough and thus gain advantages not seen by their competitors, we see here that Government distorting the culture.  Crony Capitalism, Government subsidies; both make mockeries of the market signaling of price:  the true cost of manufacture and sales is hidden and the true cost to consumers is hidden as well – both bode ill long term.  Distorting the culture is, in my opinion, even worse.  One does not value as much the things that are just “handed over” compared to the things that are earned by hard work.  The ideas that delaying gratification become obsolete because Government takes care of everything.

ACA (“The Affordable Care Act”) – commonly known as Obamacare – does the same thing but on steroids.  Affordable?  If you are part of the ultra-rich, it is.  If you are part of the poor, it is.  No, the prices of the insurance policies do not change simply because one is poor – it is affordable only because Government is penalizing the remaining “part” – the middle class.   The old saw holds even truer “Government does not create wealth – to give to Jane it must first take from John”.  Obama has been trying to be Pitchman-in-chief, especially to the young, touting that their brand new shiny object healthcare plans would cost less than the price of cell phone contracts.

Not amusing – for if their contracts are less than $50 / month, they should already have an Obamaphone with their Obamacare.  Not amusing – nice to see that Obama is making Obamacare ‘affordable’ only by now making it UNaffordable for others.

Winners – the poor.  Losers – the productive in America that earn just a tad more than what the subsidies allow.  They get to pay full boat.  Double, triple, or more the monthly premiums and deductibles going up to $10,000 to almost $13,000 / year BEFORE any benefit it given – in some cases more than a mortgage payment or a year’s tuition for college for a son or daughter. Is this the Proper Role of Government to deliberately do this?  My answer is no, and this is WAY beyond any responsible notion of “this is the price we pay for a civil society”.   Since when did legalized theft, made more obvious given the magnitude of those that this retributive  redistribution is being laid and the massive cost to individual families, become an American Value?

Obama has deliberately decided to skew the regulations to make it a legal crime to take the Private Property away from them, that which they have worked hard for, to give it others.  And by taking it away, isn’t Obama truly putting this families at risk of bankruptcy from a single medicial emergency?  If one has to spend $9600 to $16000 (far more than pre-Obamacare) a year just on premiums, and then have to satisfy an $8-12.7, 000 deductible – how many middle class families can afford that?

If I were to be so cynical, I’d be thinking “Obama has done this on purpose – the poor no longer has to worry about that because your money has gone to them; how’s it feel to be them, now?”.  But that can’t be true, can it?  A President wouldn’t do that deliberately, would he?  Deliberately rig the law to do that?  But it is certainly a distortion – one artificially created and targeting a certain class of people.  If I didn’t know better, it was planned a long time ago.

And for those beyond the subsidy level, what lessons does it send?  That working hard, delaying gratification – a fool’s life errand?  Either hit it big young or don’t bother?  Don’t bother to try it – Government has now established a concrete ceiling that will be very hard to break through.  Why try any more?

And what if that is the biggest distortion of all?  Warranism is “You didn’t build that”; Obamaism may well now be “Not gonna let you build that either”.

This is the Proper Role of Government?  Is this the kind of Government you want?

And yes, this can’t be chalked up to mere incompetence any more – Determined Weakness.
