The Lord Helps Those Who Help Themselves... - Granite Grok

The Lord Helps Those Who Help Themselves…

The Lord Helps Those Who Help Themselves… other people’s money under threat of fines or imprisonment?  Not likely.

But that is apparently the lesson to be learned after vandals aligned with the Party of Civility® (that’s sarcasm people) wrote a message on the side of the NH-GOP Headquarters in Concord, shown Below.

WWJD usually means What Would Jesus Do?  I’m happy to take suggestions but I think, in this context, it means “We Will Just Destroy…Healthcare for Everyone.”

Yes you will.  But we all knew that.  You didn’t need to spray-paint it on the side of the NH-GOP Headquarters.  It is the Democrat voters who are the ones foolish enough to think the government can do anything but ruin Healthcare in America.

As a suitable retort, since we’ve brought religion into it, might I suggest a snippet of Psalm 9 in rebuttal?

When my enemies retreat,
they stumble and perish before You.
For You have upheld my just cause;[b

You, is Yahweh, by the way–not Obama, nor the DHS, nor any other earthly pretender.

So right back at you.

The NHGOP tweeted the picture and relased a statement indicating that they had filed a police report.

HT to John A Diefenbach for the image
