It's a Complicated Symbol That Most People Do Not Understand - Granite Grok

It’s a Complicated Symbol That Most People Do Not Understand

BANNED-TREE looks too  much like christmasI don’t watch any TV news but someone shared this and I checked it out.  It is classic.  The Town Council of Bar Harbor, Maine (prounced Bahh Hhaaabahh) voted to remove lights from a long-standing evergreen “memorial” put up in honor of veterans who fought and or died during the Christmas Eve World War II Battle of the Buldge.

Why?  It was confusing.  People might not get it.   They probably haven’t gotten it for decades.  Wait.  It looks like a Christmas Tree.

Ruth Eveland , the Bar Harbor Town Council Chair says, “It’s a complicated symbol that most people do not understand completely.”  Oh, like Barack Obama?  Or how about, like ObamaCare?  That’s a complicated symbol that most people do not understand completely.  We should get rid of that.

They could have just put barrycades around it.  As I understand it the Parks service has a few of those they are not using right now.

As for the “classic bit,”  that comes when the investigatve reporter, on camera, at a town council meeting, asks them to explain the reasoning.  Deer in the headlights.  Finally, someone speaks and he’s got…nothing.   It is all kinds of awesome.

Then there’s the council member who is reported to have said, we should not even call it a Christams tree, we should call it a memory tree.  As in, I can’t remember why this is here or what we used to call it?

Video.  Enjoy’

H/T Carlos Hernandez – Facebook Status Update
