Blogline of the Day: Why does Government have the right to steal my healthplan from me? - Granite Grok

Blogline of the Day: Why does Government have the right to steal my healthplan from me?

What I have right now is what I am happy with and I just want to know why I can’t keep what I have. Why do I have to be forced into something else?

Why?  We have voted in a Government that refuses to stay within it bounds. And now decides that you are subjects and wards of the State that knows better what you need than you do:

“It’s correct that substandard plans that don’t provide minimum services … those are no longer allowed because the Affordable Care Act is built on the premise that health care is not a privilege, it’s a right,” White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters.

YOU might have thought that your plan was perfect for you, what you were willing to risk, and what you could afford.  Why wasn’t that good enough?

Some faceless bureaucrat decided FOR YOU that you were wrong.  Because it doesn’t cover what THEY believe to be correct – so YOU must be taught a lesson.  And you have to be fleeced out of your less expensive plans so that you can pay for the more expensive one to pay for all the poor people.  Involuntary Charity.

Hey, it’s a Right!  Hmm, the Founders said that Rights were something accrued to you for simply being born, for being a human.  My exercise of Free Speech costs you nothing.  My Right to Free Association costs you nothing.  My Right to exercise my Second Amendment Right costs you nothing.  Now, Obama and the Progressives show yet another phase of what a Right is under a Progressive Government:

A Right is now something that Government can force you to pay for something they want you to buy – and make pay extra for someone else to have it too!

This is the mark of Totalitarianism – we have to pay to exercise a Right that doesn’t appear in the Constitution?  Sorry, this is no “right” – the Progressives are just trying to redefine what an entitlement is. This is the Biggest Bait and Switch ever done – and it was done by an “American” Government.  Thanks Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts for making it possible by ruling it constitutional to tax us for doing nothing.  Thanks Progressives – for denying us yet another measure of Freedom.
