Taxpayer Overcharged Again? Fisker’s Default Of $168M Mostly Written Off - Part Two - Granite Grok

Taxpayer Overcharged Again? Fisker’s Default Of $168M Mostly Written Off – Part Two

HenryPayne-20130920-FiskerOverchargeBut WAIT!  There’s MORE!  Mike had this post concerning the demise of Fisker Automotive – one of the failed “green” attempts of the Obama Administration in trying to show that his Smart People could pick industries and anoint individual winners better than the venture capital pros who do this for a living.  Of course, they’ve failed – Government can only use Other Peoples’ Money in doing so and what we have seen so far is that those that made the failed pick have paid no price for their failure (at least when real VCs, also using OPM, they also feel the economic haircut). Sadly, this won’t stop them in their hubris of KNOWING that they, the Smart People, know what’s better for us to buy than we ourselves (even if our tax monies are offshored to foreign lands to see their dreams come true).

Anyways, if you feel sorry for Obama’s faux VCs, if you feel sorry for Obama himself, or you just want to purchase some failure for yourself (sorta like really being a real part of the Obama decision makers #FAIL), has the US Government have a deal for you!

GovSales - Fisker bondsYes, you too can become part of the “Failed Obama VC Corps
