Sudden Reversal For Warmists - The Arctic Didn't Melt! - Granite Grok

Sudden Reversal For Warmists – The Arctic Didn’t Melt!

BBC-IceFree Recently, Steve pointed out that an expedition to measure the loss of Arctic Ice was forced to turn back when their Ice Breaker captain told them there was too much ice to proceed safely!

Last year, Steve noted that the Antarctic was accumulating record amounts of new ice, even as smaller losses at the north pole were exciting the easily alarmed: For example this Enviro-Wacko “News” report from the Enviro-Pinko BBC, proclaiming that the Arctic would be ice-free by this year, and the NorthWest Passage would be open for business! (Not so much – see Steve’s article.)

Now, we learn that the Arctic ice didn’t melt that much this year, and is covering a 60% greater area than last year!

How wrong were those warmist models? Those same models that claim CO2 is the cause, instead of the effect of warm periods; that claim the oceans will rise by 20 or 30 ft; that claimed the Arctic would be ice-free this year?? How about as credible as the emperor’s new clothes! Look at this graphic from the UK Daily Mail:

IceGrows60pcIn other words, the Arctic ice melted so little this year, due to cooler global conditions, that the Northwest (non) Passage had not opened up by the time the re-freezing began – So much for beachfront property in Northern Canada, and new commercial shipping routes!

From The Mail:

Only six years ago, the BBC reported that the Arctic would be ice-free in summer by 2013, citing a scientist in the US who claimed this was a ‘conservative’ forecast.

Perhaps it was their confidence that led more than 20 yachts to try to sail the Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific this summer. As of last week, all these vessels were stuck in the ice, some at the eastern end of the passage in Prince Regent Inlet, others further west at Cape Bathurst.

Shipping experts said the only way these vessels were likely to be freed was by the icebreakers of the Canadian coastguard. According to the official Canadian government website, the Northwest Passage has remained ice-bound and impassable all summer.

20 yachts full of Warming Believers stuck in the Arctic ice – MUWAHAHA!

The Daily Mail has been poking the Warmists where it hurts for a while – pointing out those inconvenient TRUTHS that blast holes in their erroneous theories. Such as:

    Daily Mail - Click for full graph
    Daily Mail – Click for full graph

  • Last fall, when they headlined (what many of us know) that global warming has been ‘paused’ since 1997.
  • This March, when The Mail pointed out that global temperatures are now below the range which the models forecast “with 90% certainty”, and about to crash outside the 95% certainty bands.
  • Evidence suggests Arctic ice levels are cyclical, with the last big thaw in the 1920s and 30s, and the most recent big freeze ending in 1979 – just coincidentally when the alarmists started measuring the ‘decline'(!)
  • That the climate models used by warmists are only accurate for ‘hindcasts’ not for actually PREDICTING anything! (As I said last week – the bozos are looking in the rearview mirror!)
  • We are already in a cooling trend, which is likely to continue for at least 15 years, and some believe may continue until mid-century – coincidentally, the time by which the alarmists claim we will all be fried to a crisp!

Rasputinous-RajendraAll these inconvenient truths come together just as the UN’s IPCC, run by a Rasputinous former railroad engineer, has stated in the draft of its fifth report that it is now 95% confident that global warming has been caused by CO2 from humans – up from 90% confidence in 2007 (The same year that the BBC, practicing ‘Garbage In – Garbage Out’, confidently predicted an ice-free Arctic this summer.)

Indeed, according to The Mail, the widespread derision which has greeted the wild claims in the draft report, from sources including The Mail, The Economist (A Pinko, previously Warmist, magazine), and many of the member governments whose citizens are getting restless over expensive electricity (See Australia), has caused something of a panic in the IPCC ranks, and instead of releasing the study next month, they will hold a pre-release summit in Stockholm later in September.

The member governments, who finance these ‘studies’, are said to be demanding more than 1500 changes in the ‘Summary for Policymakers’, and are highly dissatisfied with the way the report confidently blames anthropogenic CO2 for the temperature rise over the last 150 years, even as the IPCC models completely fail to explain the ‘pause’ or even predict ANYTHING!.

As Steve and I have discussed these last couple of weeks, the H2O cycle has a much greater influence, low altitude cloud cover is the big variable with respect to global heat gain or loss, and particulates and cosmic rays are the major drivers of cloud cover. Yup! If you navigate through the rearview mirror, you will eventually crash off the road!

H/T American Thinker
