Foreign Policy: biker leathers vs Mom jeans - Granite Grok

Foreign Policy: biker leathers vs Mom jeans

Putin vs Obama

And we won’t bother to bring up the hunting vs the infamous “first pitch”…

Yes, sometimes attitude WILL make a difference – and personal history.  It seems that being KGB when the going gets tough is better than being a Chicago Community Organizer.

And as more than a few people have noted, Obama is not doing well in his first international “I said NO!” outcome (re: his speech to the nation over Syria).  Guess his self-esteem is a bit banged up as he’s realized that some folks really don’t want to play his community organizing game.  Heh – here’s some bullies that don’t care about Political Correctness here in the States – they only care about winning.

What a concept!

(H/T: Lucianne)
