About that HHS "video contest" for promoting Obamacare? - Granite Grok

About that HHS “video contest” for promoting Obamacare?

Yesssir, a contest!  For nothing says “Success!” for a nitwittish, top-down command and control, IRS-fine-giving billy club of a “We’re from the Government and we’re here to help you” HHS “shh…we care” like having to run a contest to get those youn’uns that don’t need it to sign up and pay three times the premiums just to keep that halo going over the Obamessiah brow:

And just to make sure that this isn’t just the Senior set trying to run a con on them, Obama, Sebelius and the (dum-da-da-TUM!) Young Invincibles (aka the Center for Community Change, Washington DC) decided to get those creative type’s juices going and “send us a video” just like America’s Funniest Videos does (except AFV’s rewards, being a private capitalistic show, actually has decent money for prizes).

Socialism – the political system that REQUIRES propaganda in order to think that there is sugar in the medicine they’re jamming down the throat.

Oh, by the way, did you now know that that Obamacare has its own Obama corpse (Like the US Marine “Navy Corpsemen“)?

Yeah, especially if you have kids – after all, parents can’t be trusted to provide safe and healthy homes for their own kids, right?:

If you’re already queasy about the role played by the IRS in assuring your compliance with Obamacare’s numerous mandates, you may need to lie down after reading this column. It turns out that our Beltway masters are not content with their new authority to peruse your tax returns and medical records. They will also authorize state agencies throughout the nation to send government inspectors to your house if a “home visit” is deemed appropriate pursuant to HHS guidelines ostensibly meant to “create social and physical environments that promote good health for all.”

According to the title page of the document announcing this program, HHS has the authority to fund such visits by virtue of the Social Security Act “as amended by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act [Obamacare].” It describes this metastasis of HHS power as “an unprecedented opportunity … to improve health and development outcomes for at-risk children.” But the program also provides unprecedented opportunities for violations of your privacy, your right to educate your kids as you see fit as well as your Constitutional rights under the Second and Fourth Amendments

Yup – your kids ARE owned by the village and everyone else.  Silly parents…

(H/T: The Corner)
