Ray Buckly Budget Genius- Only Off by $80 Million - Granite Grok

Ray Buckly Budget Genius- Only Off by $80 Million

Just last week wasn’t New Hampshire Democrat Chair Ray Buckley quoted in a local paper as saying something about what New Hampshire residents were really interested in… like how the ‘Republican Budget’ was coming in short around 30-40 million or something?

Today! (scraped off facebook)

NH finishes state fiscal year with $39.6 mil revenue surplus, final cash statement due in Sept. #nhpolitics

Look at that!  Another Democrat who has no clue.  Who could have guessed that?  At least he was only off by $80 million, a pittance in the scope of the historical NH Democrats budgetary incompetence.

Do you think he’ll take time to point out how that “Republican Budget” didn’t leave us with $800 million in recurring spending with one time money for which it had no future revenue?  Democrats made $800 million promises they couldn’t keep and Republicans were left to clean up that mess.  And they managed to do that without raising any taxes during a down economy and still end up with an extra $40 million at the end.

No wonder Democrats are bitter clingers when it comes to the new Republican State Senate Budget that has none of their priorities in it.  It’s the best chance they have had in years to appear as if they have a clue what the hell they are doing when it comes to spending your money.

They don’t.

And just as aside…Would New Hampshire citizens care more about why the head of the state Democrat party is claiming there’s a revenue shortfall when there is not, and why?
