Note To Democrats: Flat Earthers Believe In Global Warming - Granite Grok

Note To Democrats: Flat Earthers Believe In Global Warming

What Democrats and Real Flat Earthers have in common–Belief in “Climate Change”

Before the left gets too much further along in their repetitive regurgitation of High Priest Obama’s claim that climate deniers are members of the Flat Earth Society….

…The Flat Earth Society would like to respectfully disagree.

For what it’s worth, the Flat Earth Society doesn’t have an ‘official’ position on climate change.  That falls a bit outside our remit.  Personally, though, I believe the evidence available does support the position that climate change is at least partially influenced by human industrialisation.

-Flat Earth Society President Daniel Shenton

So if the Flat earth Society president is inclined to agree with the progressives on the matter of climate change, doesn’t that make Obama and the Democrats the Flat Earth Party?
