The Nanny Bloomberg Rally Posted In The House Journal - Granite Grok

The Nanny Bloomberg Rally Posted In The House Journal

“I can be arrogant, I can be insufferable.”   —Kurt Sutter

Arrogance.  Is it appropriate to post a “non-governmental event” with a clear left wing bias in a New Hampshire Official State Publication?  A publication paid for by Granite State Taxpayers? Most would say, “no” not appropriate. And most House members would say no as well. That does not even phase Representative Stephen Shurtleff or Representative Deanna Rollo. The House Journal Entry (at 1534)  below reads as follows:


Representative Stephen Shurtleff looking overwhelmed at the number of 2nd Amendment supporters dwarfing the Nanny Bloomberg crowd.
Representative Stephen Shurtleff looking overwhelmed at the number of 2nd Amendment supporters dwarfing the Nanny Bloomberg crowd.

Notice the caveat provided which reads…The following notices are published in the House record as a courtesy to the member(s) requesting publication. These are not official public notices and will be limited to legislative policy or legislative social activities and political meetings or events. Publication should not be construed as support for either the events listed or the views espoused by the individual or organization sponsoring the event. (my emphasis added)

So here, we see Stevey “Shurt-left” standing….holding a sign in support of Bloomberg’s rallying band of idiots. First, Shurt-left feverishly sought to repeal our right to defend ourselves and our families by arbitrarily blurring the lines with HB 135 which was later rendered moot. Moreover, we already know that Shurt-left is a lefty, gun-grabbing socialist. So if somebody can explain to me how this notice is not advocacy for the pablum-pukers from the big apple, I am all ears.

Just another example of the lefties up there in Concord who make rules and except themselves from them. Do notice,  not once did we ever see any such member notice on the second amendment groups who showed up in Concord for Rallys and Gatherings.  Just another example in the sea of many where liberals and nanny-staters love to tell us all what to do, how to live and what we should believe, but the fact is they most certainly exempt themselves from those very same rules.

