So, what does this mean for the alarming Warmists? - Granite Grok

So, what does this mean for the alarming Warmists?

By ‘Warmists”, I mean those folks that believe that the Earth is warming AND that human activity is responsible for it (if not entirely, certainly a large proportion of it).  Thus, just like the “Coolists” that I read back in the 70s who declared that a New Ice Age was imminent.  Now, between Warming and Ice Age, I’d take the former as the the latter is MUCH more dangerous to humankind – one can grow food in the heat (yeah, let’s stick it to the GMO h8ters for a second) but kinda hard to harvest wheat on an ice field.

In either case, both sets of folks had the same solution – that the Smart People were / are to be put in charge and implement their ideas so as to save us all (or, some of us, as a lot of these Smart People also believe that most of humankind should be wiped out anyways – so either event should make them happy but gets the question as to why we should let these Watermelons (green on the outside, Red on the inside (and I refer to the historic use of Red in describing Communists and Socialists) totally change society in the first place?  And in the case of the Warmists, they have been using Climate Change Models to show how bad things are going to get, and have been screaming that scientists are all in consensus that Warming is Real and We are Responsible.

CMIP5-73-models-vs-obs-20N-20S-MT-5-yr-means1Sure – but what about this?  Aren’t the modeling projections supposed to mirror ACTUAL observations?  Isn’t the Scientific Method all about seeing an event, setting up a hypothesis of what might be happening, and then carrying experimentation (in this case, via computer modeling).  Then, and most importantly, see if those experimental results actually match what happens in real life?

Um, Warmists? Looks like your modeling, upon which we are to believe sufficiently to trade our Liberty and Freedom (and most of democracy along with it)  for their ideas of a low energy and low standard of living future (if indeed, anything above cave level if the Sierra Club’s maniacal protestations and machinations against any use of fossil fuels is to believed) , is having a major malfunction?

In looking at the chart, see those blue squares and green dots?  Yeah, actual observations.  All of those wavy lines, with the thicker black one the average of the others?  Yeah, what our temps SHOULD be if the modeling was actually correct.

Er, they don’t match.  At all.  By a long shot.  This is not just a case of merely “tweaking” a few constraints and assumptions – this is a major problem of “Science’s understanding” of how a system as complex as global climate change  is (all protestations of the Smart People aside).  Here’s another graph that shows the absence of knowledge (and go to Watts Up With That for a good explanation):

CMIP5-19-USA-models-vs-obs-20N-20S-MTWe are already seeing Governments changing laws, regulations, and codes, costing trillions of dollars already, for what is seemingly a Chicken Little scenario?  Again, I’ve heard this “consensus” before back in the 70s – with some of these voices like Paul Erlich who were wrong then and wrong now (or so it seems).  Planetary cycles operate on long time scales and it seems that for many, history starts just before they were born (more culturally than for this, but the mind set seems to have dribbled over).  I have done computer modeling in the past and always thought “how could I have the hubris to think I’ve put everything into mix to come out with the right answers?”.  This is, admittedly, hard stuff and I do admit I in no way understand or know of all of the stuff that goes into this kind of modeling.  However, in having 2 STEM degrees, I feel safe in saying that I have enough background to be able to adequately read a chart like this?  You know what it tells me?

We don’t know enough for ANYONE to demand that Society be changed for billions simply on the word of a few thousand scientists, given this.  Or for a few hundred legislators that know even less to pass laws to do so.  I am no proponent of the Precautionary Principle (“don’t do it JUST in case there’s a bad outcome in there somewhere” ) as if the Pilgrims had, there’d never been a USA (again, something that some of these blame-America-first chuckleheads would cheer for).

(Image H/Ts: Watts Up With That?)
