How Extreme is Jeanne Shaheen - Granite Grok

How Extreme is Jeanne Shaheen

little_cute_baby-wideThat’s got a catchy ring to it, doesn’t it?  How Extreme is Jeanne Shaheen?  Someone should write a song.  Perhaps a dirge would be appropriate?

Jeanne Shaheen, a recipient of truckloads of money from abortion groups like EMILY’s list, supports Kermit Gosnellesque abortions, all the way to birth including live birth abortion.  That sounds extreme to me.  Though I suppose, if you never really took off the blue tinted glasses to look past the progressive bubble, into the world where we are not all either propagandized acolytes, millionaires, or sycophants, you might discover that a recent National Journal poll shows that 48% of all Americans would support a law that prohibits any abortion after 20 weeks.

That’s only 20 weeks sooner than Extreme Ja Heen Sha Heen.

Support was greatest among Republicans (obviously), 59 percent in support, but 53 percent of Americans not affiliated with either major party sided with the GOP.  Women support the 20-week ban 50/44, and in the 18-29 age group support is 52/39.

EMILY’s list is Shaheen’s top historical contributor helping to pump close to one million dollars into her campaign (as of 2012 so it’s probably past that now).  All the leading NH Democrat women hold with the same fringe-radical views as Extreme Shaheen.  And yes, Extreme Jeanne Shaheen believes that abortion trumps religious conscience and the first amendment.

Could Kermit Gosnell have imagined her guiding hand of support from afar? No matter,  same worldview.  Gosnell was convicted of murder but Shaheen, well, we’re supposed to believe she is some moderate Democrat who supports abortion as a women’s health issue even when we know it is actually bad for women’s health?

If Extreme Jeanne Shaheen was not a cistern for collecting abortion lobby special interest effluent might she have time to notice that most of America disagree with her on the issue by a wide margin and that Abortion is bad for women’s health?  I’m not prepared to give her that much credit but isn’t it time for New Hampshire to replace her with someone less radical and disconnected from the general public?  Someone who thinks babies are people and not mill-waste to exchange for special interest power and money?
