Anal Hazing - Granite Grok

Anal Hazing

You read that right.  Anal hazing.  Another phrase for it might be the” backdoor-rape” of high school age boys (or younger) with inanimate objects, and apparently it is all the rage.  (If this was India would they be legally married now?)

At any moment we should expect Joe Biden to step up to a microphone somewhere across the fruited plain and announce a new agenda to end anal hazing.  That’s right.  Biden will tell us that the Federal Government will do whatever it takes “If it only saves on A**Hole…”

This should be relatively easy for them.  They’ve been collecting them in DC for decades now.  They get great pay and benefits and religious holidays they can’t talk about around the office as paid days off.  And let’s face it, that place is A**hole Mecca.   If they could fly it would be the worlds biggest airport.  It’d be Alfred Hitchcock’s Birds without the wings.  It kind of is already.  It’s making my ass hurt just thinking about it.

As a side note, what kind of cultural catalyst could possibly inspire teenage boys to stuff objects up the asses of other teenage boys?  Facebook bullying lost its luster?

