Gosnell - the aborted-but-born-alive baby killer. Yes, this is an apt analogy... - Granite Grok

Gosnell – the aborted-but-born-alive baby killer. Yes, this is an apt analogy…

Gosnell baby-b with slit neckAbortion is not pretty – it is death up close. Oh sure, the Progressives call it “choice” and make it sound like “no big thing”.  NARAL and Planned Parenthood call it “reproductive health”: yeah, this emphasis on calling a baby’s death anything but what it is ends up looking like this:

(Image H/T: CNSNews) That’s what an aborted baby boy looked like at the Philly based baby killer Dr, Gosnell’s late-abortion clinic.  There is no sugar coating this murder of a born-alive-aborted baby boy – slit the base of the skull and kill it by snipping the spinal chord.  A precious life – snuffed out as if were just “a clump of tissue”.  This is the signature image of the “caring” Left – life only counts when it is not inconvenient to them.  Life counts only for the wanted.  They show more compassion for saving the life of a convicted murderer than these innocent babies.


…as it shows a completely evil outlook on life and a complete lack of compassion on an innocent baby (wanted or not) – especially those that cannot defend themselves.  Liberals are often railing against “the power structure” and the “power imbalances” either between groups (the rather stupid and made up “white privilege” meme they like to hide behind and use as a “guilt sword”) or people (a boss and an employee, for instance – but hardly ever using the example of a bullying teacher and her students).

Even as the Left believes that abortion for all (children as young as 12?) is actually “liberating”, it is a sad commentary on our culture that the Left willfully touts “freedom” (for some) that requires the violent death of others.

That viewpoint, that we can sacrifice life to ensure that others are not punished is certainly a sign that our culture is already swirling the bowl.

(H/T: Hot Air)
