Blogline of the Day: Sir Winston Churchill on the Obama IRS Scandal? - Granite Grok

Blogline of the Day: Sir Winston Churchill on the Obama IRS Scandal?

obama-big-brother2As Steven Hayward of Powerline points out, this speech by the British Prime Minister during WWII given while campaigning to retain that position after the war’s end, points out that a Socialist Government brooks no dissent. Yes, the title of this post is a wee bit over the top (after all, Churchill is no longer with us), but even though these words were spoken almost 70 years ago, the meaning still holds true – the Collective cannot tolerate thoughts contrary to its own.  After all, if people start thinking on their own, they have just gone “Individualistic” – the opposite of the most High Truth of Socialism: We ARE (and WILL BE) in this together.

My friends, I must tell you that a Socialist policy is abhorrent to the British ideas of freedom. Although it is now put forward in the main by people who have a good grounding in the Liberalism and Radicalism of the early part of this century, there can be no doubt that Socialism is inseparably interwoven with Totalitarianism and the abject worship of the State. It is not alone that property, in all its forms, is struck at, but that liberty, in all its forms, is challenged by the fundamental conceptions of Socialism.

Look how even today they hunger for controls of every kind, as if these were delectable foods instead of wartime inflictions and monstrosities. There is to be one State to which all are to be obedient in every act of their lives. The State is to be the arch-employer, the arch-planner, and arch-administrator and ruler and the arch-caucus-boss. . .

A Socialist State once thoroughly completed in all its details and its aspects—and that is what I am speaking of—could not afford to suffer opposition. . . Socialism is, in its essence, an attack not only upon British enterprise, but upon the right of the ordinary man or woman to breathe freely without having a harsh, clumsy, tyrannical hand clapped across their mouths and nostrils. . . Have we not heard Mr Herbert Morrison descant upon his plans to curtail Parlimentary procedure and pass laws simply by resolution of broad principle in the House of Commons, afterward to be left by Parliament to the executive and to the bureaucrats to elaborate and enforce by departmental regulations? . . .

Obama created the TEA Party (or, at least, set the final “atmosphere” for the match that Rick Santelli lit) through his actions pushing what many (including us here) a more Socialist US of A.  Those that have argued against his policies have been marginalized, demonized, and made to be seen as being outside their mainstream – exactly what Winston says in that last paragraph (btw, GRTWT for more at Powerline).  All we have heard in any partisan slanted speech by Democrats is “those extremist TEA Party” in order to set the cultural hegemony tip of the table towards themselves.

Now the Obama IRS scandal has just exploded.  We in the TEA Party and associated groups have known about this for quite some time, that the IRS has been targeting new TEA Party groups who were filing for non-profit status, and frankly, have been waiting these last three years to see if the lapdoggy mainstream press would ever pick it up (if only using what little horsepower they may have left and go “er, we next?”).  And I am glad to see this blow up right now; after all Obama did say in his first inauguration:

The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works — whether it helps families find jobs at a decent wage, care they can afford, a retirement that is dignified.”

– President Barack Obama, Inauguration, 1/20/09

I notice that the phrase “whether our government is to be feared” might have been an unspoken component in that litany – for what American Citizen does not fear the IRS?  All agree that the force of the IRS should never be wielded to help one party or another – it simply is supposed to do its job regardless of political affiliation.  To now see otherwise, why should that give us comfort in Obama‘s words?  All his words show that he is but yet another hack.   Now we also see that the IRS, either directed by political hacks or career appointees / civil servants, has no problem in menacing groups (e.g., TEA Party, 9-12ers, Constitutionalists, those upset about the debt, the future of the country) that would be opposite from Obama’s ideology.

Or that of the Government Class – which depends on a large and ever growing Federal Government and its bureaucracy. Limited Government?  Less Spending?  Constitutional boundaries enforced?  Kill the debt?

Might as well kill off the Democrat Party and the Progressives on both sides of the aisle with such words – WE’LL SHOW THOSE VOTERS WHO IS BOSS!
