The new civility - Granite Grok

The new civility

Their vocabulary is so wide-ranging.
Their vocabulary is so wide-ranging.

Between Saturday’s rally and the big Concord gun show at the Everett arena, I got to spend time with more than 2,000 nice people – mothers, fathers, little ones, oldies but goodies, friends and neighbors.  We talked about common interests – guns, our families, the lovely change in the weather and getting our gardens going; we also talked about liberty, we talked politics and politicians.  Though the topics were varied, the common thread was a seriousness of purpose.  We take our lives seriously, we take our families seriously, we take our guns seriously but mostly we take our liberty seriously for without it, the rest suffers immeasurably.  Despite the seriousness of purpose, until my husband and I had packed up and were headed out to the vendor’s parking lot, we saw nothing but friendly faces and smiles.

The pathetic little coward who wrote that message is probably sitting home in his mother’s basement, smirking into his damp little hand, the poster child for the new civility we hear touted by vile and disgusting partisans on the left.  Next time this manly piece of work wants to prove how big and strong and civil he is, come see this little old lady.  I’ll defend his right to free speech but we might just have a discussion about good manners.
