Update to Tim's 2nd Amendment & Evan Nappen post - The BIG Guy himself weighs in - Granite Grok

Update to Tim’s 2nd Amendment & Evan Nappen post – The BIG Guy himself weighs in

Gov. Chris Christie Letter

And no, I’m not trying to insinuate a fat joke here – the Big Guy is NJ Governor Chris Christie.  He heard of the “illegal police and “social services” home invasion” that Grokster Tim posted where a DCYF (the NH nomenclature) worker demanded entrance into a family’s home to investigate simply because of an 11 year old holding one of those “black scary guns“, and he is not too happy.  It seems that some very quick CYA is being done by NJ’s DCPP.

Having owned and operated a daycare center, I do know that most States’ Family & Childrens Services often have a hard time – there are parents that exist that should never be given custody of a rubber ball, much less a child; those are the “adults” that put kids at risk.  It shows in the way they dressed the kids, the meals they brought, and the cavalier way they handed their kids off in the morning (i.e., just walked away with an attitude of “YES! I’m OUTTA here – it is now ME TIME!) and talked (screamed?) at them.

This is not this case – go to the link and observe how the 11 year properly hold his finger away from the trigger – looks like Dad did train him correctly.

Although DCYF does have a hard row to hoe, I have also seen DCYF employees act in as an imperious manner as in this story ignoring protocol and law, and berating that Dad.  Christie is doing the right thing in starting a legal investigation.  While these social workers are often handling lawbreakers, there is no excuse for them to ignore the law themselves.
